UBSN token
Ticker: UBSN, the T10 standard Ubix.Network token

The UBSN token was formed as a result of the SNTR token swap as part of the rescue of the project after a security vulnerability in the KuCoin exchange, as a result of which the main part of the supply of the token was lost.

As a result, after a series of swaps, the following funds were formed:
Emission fund equal to the initial emission of the SNTR token: 186,462,812,051 tokens
From this fund, 39 225 833 740 tokens were swapped.

23 000 000 000 UBSN were reserved in 2 funds:
Marketing&Partnership Fund (Ux6e10f6294d9bb3f5d81cdae9ed56618dfb4f5981)
Development Fund (Ux4f3fa783ea60df23f0484fc9d6ac9c817a3c0de5)

1 567 100 000 UBSN were used to replenish the ERC20 bridge and to provide liquidity on the exchanges.
The rest of the tokens (122 669 878 311 UBSN) formed a liquidity fund, which was decided to be used to supply the ecosystem with liquidity on a long-term basis on the same principles as with the UBX coin: daily, a fixed share of the liquidity fund is distributed among all holders of the native UBSN token.
Max supply 186 462 812 051
T10 version: Uxe61bfd8313ecb44d4e9a9ceb128b25e54747c417
Created 29.01.2021 11:58:10 tx hash: e6b670588b0635e7cfe672baba005f8edbcc8a45eeca14ae472fc46137837d5e
Emission fund: Ux356481c8a73506100478f17c1fb2af551d33d2f0

ERC20 version: 0x86EFc496DcA70bcFD92D19194290e8457a375773
Created 17.08.2021 tx hash 0x2bbd6070b4da482d53ffbd02dddb6be9bfbf1b15354a70772bc5051c24670b90
Emission fund: 0x440f77483d69f1c1f1a39c7b7bcb74b7c1abee41

Technical audit: Slowmist
