The methods for Consilium creation looks like this:
message WitnessGroupDefinition { repeated bytes publicKeys = 1;
bytes groupContractAddress = 2; uint32 groupId = 3;
uint32 quorum = 4;
uint32 minFee = 5;
uint32 contractMultiplier = 6;
repeated bytes delegatesPublicKeys = 7; }
publicKeys – an array of
keys that form a group of Validators (Consilium) ; groupName – is the address of the Consilium contract ;
groupId – Consilium index ;
quorum – quorum requirement ;
minFee – the minimum transaction fee. Cannot be less than
transactions fee across the system; contractMultiplier – a multiplier that determines
the commission for the execution of the contract;
delegatesPublicKeys – are delegate keys that can determine the decisions of the Consilium.